
Midterm Part 1: Essay Component

Dear All,
As you know the Essay component of the Midterm test was scheduled for July 5th, 7th and 8th next week. Just recently, Friday 8th has been made a public holiday so that the Friday date will have to be called off.
Therefore we are kindly asking Friday students to join one of the other two options -Tuesday 10-12 am, Prof Pich's tutorial, or Thursday 12 am-2 pm, Prof Aicega's tutorial. .
I expect everybody will be able to come to either of these but if someone can't manage these dates, please do come to me and we will work out a solution.
Best wishes,
Ana Moldero


Deferred Final 2016

Dear All,

As you know, English Language 4 has introduced the Deferred Final modality as from 2015 in order to make assessment more operative and student-friendly without detracting from academic achievement. The option is open to all students who have passed their Language 4 coursework and whose administrative status is in order. 

There will be two (2) deferred final dates this year. Students who decide on that modality can sit the Essay component of their final on the Monday, as follows: 
1. On the 2nd date of the July-August board, 2016,
2. On the 1st date of the November-December board, 2016

Pass results will hold valid and be kept stand-by for a quarter counted as from the essay-writing date. Fails will appear as absent on School records and so will Passes if students don't complete the rest of the exam components. At all times students can opt for completing the remaining components on that same week during the same board or at a subsequent date up to four months on. Accordingly, essays sat in August will be valid until December 2016 while essays sat in November will be valid until March 2017.

Finally, let me remind you that this being a final exam you must duly enroll at the Students' Office on the set dates so as to be allowed to take the deferred final.

We hope students will be pleased with this opportunity and use it responsibly. 
Kind regards,

Ana Moldero

Mock Essays

Dear All
This is to let you know that as from now mock essays will be set on every 
current Language and Writing tutorial, that is to say,  as from this week's Mock Essay #2, you are expected to attend your standard L&W tutorial and meet your standard L & W tutor at your usual time and place.
Thank you.


Dolores Aicega's tutorials

Don't forget to bring dictionaries (Spanish-English, English-English and Collocations) to class!

Writing Workshop

Buy and read the essays at Copy 6 for the first session (Wed. 14th April).



As from March 2010 the Language 4 Examination Board will begin on Monday at 8 am and continue on Thursday. Therefore, the next Examination Board will begin on Monday, March 15th at 8 am.


the Make-up Essay will be held at the Examination Board on Monday, March 15 at 8am.


Dolores Aicega is temporarily unavailable by e-mail. If you wish to contact her, please meet her during the writing workshop (preferably at the end of the session).


Click here for further information on our upcoming workshop.



We are glad to announce the opening of a workshop with a focus on the writing of reflective essays aimed at students who have attended Language 4 in 2009 and have to sit their mid-term essay make-ups in March 2010.

The workshop will be conducted by Dolores Aicega and the groups will meet for a two-hour session once a week starting on Thursday, February 4th.

For further information and registration, go to the offices of the Department of Modern Languages as from Monday, Feb. 1st. 2010.


Class Assignments' Make-up Exam - Marks:

Colque, Estela: 4 (four) - Bare pass
Garrido Ana Inés: 2 (two) - Failed
Kraiselburd Julia: 2 (two) - Failed
Morosi, Gisela: 5 (five) - Passed
Petraglia, Marianela: 2 (two) - Failed
Seminara Lucía: 2 (two) - Failed

Spegazzini, Jorgelina: 4 (four) - Bare pass


The make-up test for the class assignments will be held on Thursday, December 17th at 8 am (Language IV Examination Board). Click here for the list of students and papers they must sit.


The marks for the Mid-term Make-up exams (Essay & Theory) will be posted in this blog by December 21st.

The marks for Class Assignment Nº4 are available on the notice board of the Department of Modern Languages.

INVITATION - Click here for the programme of Festival Letra Buenos Aires (November 14 - 26, 2009).



Marks will be posted in this blog on Saturday, November 21st and the exams will be handed out in Professor Moldero's class on Monday, November 23rd.


The class will be conducted by Laura Rodriguez and Dolores Aicega and will take place in Room E2 from 8 to 10 am, as usual. The oral presentation of the projects will be carried out according to plan.


The make-up of the Theory Mid-term Exam will be held in Laura Rodriguez's Tutorial on Friday, November 20th, 10am.


In preparation for Dolores Aicega´s next tutorial on Thursday, 5th November, students are requested to read chapters 1 through 4 from Language and Power (Fairclough, 1989). This material is available for photocopies at Cop Art.


Laura Rodriguez and Dolores Aicega will not be giving their tutorials on Thursday, October 29th and Friday, October 30th as they will be preparing their presentations for the Language IV Selection Process (Concurso) on Monday, November 2nd.

If the schedule permits, these classes will be made up for later on.

Mid-term Exam (Essay writing)

Monday, 26th October from 8 to 10 a.m. Time allowed: 2 hours.

Mid-term Exam (Theory)

Marks will be posted in this blog on Saturday, October 24th.


Professor Amanda B. Zamuner will be giving a talk on the life and work of Canadian author Shulamis Yelin at the Escuela de Lenguas on Friday, October 2nd at 6pm.

The conference is organized by the Centro de Estudios Canadienses (Sede La Plata). See conference poster below.

For further information and registration contact: Secretaría de la Escuela de Lenguas from 8.30 am to 6.30 pm or go to


Project Work

Click here for project topics and guidelines.


Choose a topic from the list and send it to us by email at lengua4.unlp@gmail.com. The following topics are NO LONGER available: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 21.

Students who have submitted their topics and abstracts in Professor Moldero's lectures, DO NOT need to send an email.

Submission of abstracts: October 8th and 9th (Thu & Fri)

Oral presentations: November 9th, 16th and 23rd.



Students are requested to carry out the following assignment and bring it to class on Thursday, September 17th.


August 24th

The theoretical class will take place in room 206 from 8.30 to 10.30 am and will be conducted by Dolores Aicega.