Updated Reading List for Midterm Part 2: Theory
(Friday, October 18th, 2013)
contents of the test will address three central issues as follows:
Discourse Genres
Eggins and Martin, “Genres and Registers of
“The concept of Genre”
(Chapter 1)
Swales, “Genres, Schemata and Acquisition” (Chapter 5)
“Perspectives on Written Discourse” (Chapter 1)
Bhatia “Generic Integrity” (Chapter 5)
· Gill and Whedbee, “Rhetoric”
Discourse and the News
· Hartley, Understanding
News, “News as communication” (Chapter 1)
· Hartley, Understanding
News, “News and society” (Chapter 3)
Hartley, Understanding News, “Selection and construction” (Chapter 5)
Dijk, “The study of
news” (Chapter 1)
van Dijk, “The structure of news”
(Chapter 2)
Bell, “The Discourse Structure of
News Stories” (Chapter 3)
Discourse, ideology and power
van Dijk, “Opinions and Ideologies in the Press” (Chapter 2)
Fairclough, Language and Power, “Discourse and power”
(Chapter 3)
· Fairclough,
Language and Power “Discourse, common sense and ideology” (Chapter 4)